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Uploaded 8-Nov-07
Taken 8-Nov-07
Visitors 9
47 of 63 photos

Filtered through NoiseWare 1600 ISO shots

First up - - - the previous folder of these shots all the shots are a true representation of the complete image registered by the D200 sensor. This folder & the next are the same shots, just PP'ed differently. In these shots they've been run through NoiseWare at default settings and as TIFFs converted back to JPGS.It is again important to stress that this is normal unsolicited play for our horses & dog. I did nothing to encourage their play & activities. This is them just plain being horses. Granted the little American Shetland studcolt (little horse) is trying to say he's the biggest, best & strongest horse in the barn & that he's in charge. But as you can easily see - the Warmblood (big horse) doesn't really care. Also, the little horse is a black pinto - but he was just body clipped & when you clip a black horse (any horse) they loose color. In his case he looks almost brownish-gray. So color in this case on the little horse was not as black as he would normally be in full coat or after a month or so....Also, these shots are crops of the first folder. These may be as much as 60% crops of the shots at times. As is the last folder.Again, these are shot under the worst of conditions. Shot with the 18-70mm Nikon lens I was aiming at freezing the legs of my boys (the horses) in action. Shot at 1/500th s. I achieved that, but since I'd been advised to put the camera in Auto ISO the camera went immediately to 1600 ISO. Since this is very early on with my D200 I knew NOTHING. I had not learned RAW & shot these in JPG NORMAL with all factory settings & Auto WB. No sharpening NO CAMERA ADJUSTMENTS. So these shots have become a HUGE lesson. Not to mention a good lesson in pp-ing. So these are the steps these shots have taken. They were originally JPG NORMAL - I converted them then to TIFF - after which I went through NOISEWARE for NOISE REDUCTION & converted them BACK to JPG - - - all in NOISEWARE. Please be advised that this is FREE UNSOLICITED PLAY in between the horses & the dog. They're all the best of friends. The little horse is our studcolt RCA Cajun Colt 45 aka ColieOlie & he's going on 2 in these shots. In the early evenings he gets all full of himself & puts on a show. This is a daily occurrence & to this day no one has gotten hurt. They have a great time playing.