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Visitors 2062
Modified 2-Feb-08
Created 1-Feb-08
33 photos

"I don't look where I'm swimming"    American WigeonGreat Blue Heron (GBH to insiders) flanked by turtles....Mature Adult White PelicanBlack-crowned Night-HeronJuvenile White Pelican"Look I'm Flying....."    Juvenile Double-crested CormorantAmerican CootGreat Egret being passed by White PelicanJuvenile & Adult Double-crested Cormorant"Aren't You Done Yet?"    Turkey VultureJuvenile White Pelican"What Are We Folks????" Hybrid Mallard/Domestic Duck...Us again......Juvenile Black-crowned Night-HeronBreeding Pied-billed Grebe"I've Got Dinner!!!" Cormorant with dinnerAdult White Pelican"Trying to Save My Dinner" or "Can I Steal That!!!!""Unconventional Crop" Juvenile White Pelican"Buds...."  Double-crested Cormorant Juvenile & Adult Black-crowned Night-Heron

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