Female Lesser Goldfinch (Western variety) - - I think
So every now & then I kept seeing this tiny little super yellow bird in my backyard. I'd see it once or twice - - then it would be gone. Well I finally broke down & put up a "blind" in my kitchen door & stocked the bird feeder & hopped. Well, today I had luck.
I've tentatively identified this bird as a Female Lesser Goldfinch of Western variety. This is now confirmed. She's a little gal at max 4 1/2 inches (though I'd say this girl's only 4 inches). She & her mate, come by for some food every now & then.
Shot with my cheapo lens the Tamron SP AF Di LD (IF) 200-500mm f/5-6.3 on the D200
NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D200, f/6.3 @ 500 mm, 1/500, ISO 400, No Flash
Copyright © Lil Judd AKA LilKnytt Photografy 2007